Directed by Stanley Kubrick and based on the Stephen King novel, The Shining (1980) is a psychological horror film that has become a classic of the genre. The story follows Jack Torrance (played by Jack Nicholson), an aspiring writer and recovering alcoholic who takes a job as the winter caretaker of the secluded Overlook Hotel. He is accompanied by his wife Wendy (Shelley Duvall) and their son Danny (Danny Lloyd), who has a psychic ability called “the shining” that allows him to see the hotel’s horrific past. As winter sets in and his isolation deepens, Jack’s mental state deteriorates under the influence of the hotel’s evil supernatural forces. He becomes increasingly violent, putting his family in great danger. The film is known for its haunting imagery, eerie atmosphere, and Nicholson’s iconic performance. Kubrick’s use of disturbing imagery, combined with its slow descent into madness, made The Shining a milestone in horror cinema.
The Shining - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | The Shining |
Genre: | Horror, Drama, Mystery |
Language: | English |
Director: | Stanley Kubrick |
Main Cast: | Jack Nicholson |
Release Date: | May 23, 1980 |
Banner: | Warner Bros., Hawk Films |
Music: | Wendy Carlos, Rachel Elkind |
Budget: | $19 million |
Runtime: | 146 minutes |
The Shining (1980) Movie Review And Rating
The Shining (1980) Director: Stanley Kubrick Starring: Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall, Danny Lloyd, Scatman Crothers Review: The Shining is a psychological horror masterpiece directed by Stanley Kubrick and based on the Stephen King novel. The film tells the story of aspiring writer Jack Torrance (played by Jack Nicholson) who takes a job as the winter caretaker of the secluded Overlook Hotel. He moves there with his wife Wendy (Shelley Duvall) and their son Danny, who has psychic powers known as the Shining. Influenced by a dark force that plagues the hotel during the winter, Jack slowly descends into madness. Kubrick’s direction is meticulous, using unsettling camerawork, eerie music, and the hotel’s vast, claustrophobic spaces to build tension. Jack Nicholson’s performance is legendary, as he portrays Jack’s descent into madness with terrifying intensity. The film is rich in symbolism and psychological horror, making it deeply disturbing rather than relying on typical shocking moments. Though the film deviates significantly from Stephen King’s novel, its atmospheric horror, surreal imagery, and exploration of loneliness and madness have made it a cult classic. Rating: Rotten Tomatoes: 84% IMDB: 8.4/10 My Rating: (5/5) – A visually and psychologically disturbing horror film that fans of the genre should definitely watch.