Django Unchained (2012), directed by Quentin Tarantino, is a provocative Western that tackles themes of slavery, revenge, and freedom. The story follows Django, a freed slave portrayed by Jamie Foxx, who partners with German bounty hunter Dr. King Schultz (Christoph Waltz). Schultz enlists Django’s help to capture criminals, promising him freedom and a chance to rescue his wife, Broomhilda (Kerry Washington), from a cruel plantation. As Django seeks vengeance, he confronts the sadistic plantation owner, Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio). Known for its striking visuals, sharp dialogue, and powerful soundtrack, the film blends dark humor with intense violence, showcasing Tarantino’s distinctive style and strong performances.
Django Unchained - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Django Unchained |
Genre: | Western, Drama |
Language: | English |
Director: | Quentin Tarantino |
Main Cast: | Jamie Foxx |
Release Date: | December 25, 2012 |
Banner: | Columbia Pictures, The Weinstein Company, Visiona Romantica |
Music: | Original score by Ennio Morricone |
Budget: | $100 million |
Runtime: | 165 minutes |
Django Unchained (2012) Movie Review
Django Unchained is a bold and gripping film by Quentin Tarantino, set in the pre-Civil War American South. It follows Django, a freed slave (Jamie Foxx), who teams up with a bounty hunter (Christoph Waltz) to rescue his wife from the cruel plantation owner, Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio). The film skillfully combines dark humor, intense action, and poignant social commentary on racism and vengeance. Tarantino’s signature dialogue and standout performances, particularly from Waltz, enhance the film’s impact. With striking cinematography and an eclectic soundtrack, Django Unchained is a powerful revenge tale that challenges historical narratives, though it can be graphic and provocative.