The Exorcist (1973) is a horror classic directed by William Friedkin and based on the novel by William Peter Blatty, depicting the battle between good and evil in the world of demonic possession. The story follows 12-year-old Regan, who begins to exhibit frightening and inexplicable behavior, prompting her mother, Chris, to turn to medical professionals and religious authorities for help. When traditional methods fail, Chris turns to Father Merrin, a skilled exorcist, and Father Karras, a faith-challenged priest. Together, they confront the demons that have possessed Regan in a terrifying, intense ritual. The film’s groundbreaking special effects, psychological depth, and terrifying atmosphere revolutionized the horror genre. The Exorcist is known for its horror scenes, like Regan’s spinning head and spider walk, but it also deals with themes of faith, salvation, and the nature of evil, making it a deeply unsettling and thought-provoking experience.
The Exorcist - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | The Exorcist |
Genre: | Horror, Supernatural, Thriller |
Language: | English |
Director: | William Friedkin |
Main Cast: | Ellen Burstyn |
Release Date: | December 26, 1973 |
Banner: | Warner Bros. |
Music: | Jack Nitzsche (score), Mike Oldfield (Tubular Bells theme) |
Budget: | $12 million |
Runtime: | 122 minutes |